Stop Bugging Me: Tips for Keeping Your Home Pest Free


IMG 0854 1 300x199 Stop Bugging Me: <em>Tips for Keeping Your Home Pest Free</em>

Tired of little creepy crawlers invading your home?  Having regularly scheduled pest control service is the key to maintaining a pest free home long-term, but homeowners can implement preventive measures that go a long way toward avoiding a serious infestation problem.

1. Store firewood, lumber, bricks and stones away from your home

When firewood, lumber, bricks, and stones are left close to your residence, they inadvertently create ideal conditions for pests. They offer shelter and, in some cases, serve as a food source, making your home more appealing to various pests. Termites, for example, are drawn to wood, and having a ready supply nearby can encourage infestations.

2. Cover trash and store in tightly closed bins

Properly handling your trash is an essential aspect of effective pest control. When left unattended, trash can become an open invitation to various pests, from rodents to insects. To mitigate this risk, it’s crucial not only to cover your trash, but also to store it in tightly closed bins. This prevents creatures from overturning it and accessing a potential meal.

Additionally, regularly emptying the trash and maintaining a clean bin helps eliminate odors that attract pests. Ensure that the area around the bin is free of debris and food scraps to discourage pests from lingering.

3. Turn off your garden hoses completely.

Turning off your garden hoses removes a potential water source that pests, especially insects and rodents, rely on for survival. Insects, like mosquitoes, are deterred from breeding near your home, reducing their population and the risk of disease transmission. Moreover, the absence of standing water prevents the attraction of moisture-seeking pests like ants and cockroaches.

So, when considering tips to keep your home pest-free, don’t underestimate the importance of small actions like this in creating a less hospitable environment for pests.

4. Seal holes, cracks and openings.

No matter how small the opening, pests have a knack for finding their way into our homes. To safeguard your living space and help maintain a pest-free environment, it’s vital to seal all potential entry points effectively. You don’t want to give pests and rodents easy access into your home.

5. Keep trees and bushes trimmed.

Maintaining well-trimmed trees and bushes around your home is a practical and often underestimated tactic in the battle against pests. Regularly pruning and keeping branches at a distance from your house creates a formidable barrier against unwanted intruders, particularly ants and rodents. These critters are agile climbers, and overhanging branches can act as a convenient highway leading directly to your home.

6. Fix leaky pipes

Cockroaches, like many pests, are drawn to damp areas, providing water and a suitable environment for them to thrive. Swiftly fixing leaks eliminates the conditions that make your home attractive to these unwelcome guests. It’s not only about pest control, but also about safeguarding your property from potential water damage and ensuring a safe and comfortable living environment for you and your family.

7. Store pet food properly

Pet food is just as attractive to pests as human food. Keep a lid on it while your pet is not eating. Establish a routine for handling uneaten pet food to help maintain a pest-free environment. Whether your pets eat indoors or outdoors, promptly pick up uneaten food, covering or storing it until the next mealtime.

Open pet food containers, especially when left outdoors, can be a magnet for pests, providing them with a consistent food source and potentially leading to increased pest activity in and around your home. By adopting these practices, you not only ensure your pet’s food is protected, but also contribute to a pest-free living environment.

8. Regularly Clean Drains

Clogged drains can unwittingly serve as prime breeding grounds for flies, creating an environment conducive to infestations. Flies are attracted to the decaying organic matter that accumulates in drains over time. Regularly cleaning and maintaining your drains are crucial to preventing such infestations. Doing this eliminates a potential food source for flies and contributes to a cleaner and more hygienic living space.

9. Stay Alert

Do a full house and backyard check and look for potential ways pests can enter your home. Check for rips in screens, windows that have gaps, and cracks in your foundation and siding. Bugs and rodents can enter through the tiniest holes.

10. Schedule regular pest control inspections

To avoid potential pest infestations, scheduling regular pest control inspections is a proactive and vital strategy. Pest control experts like HomeTeam Pest Defense can detect early signs of infestations, assess vulnerabilities in your property and recommend appropriate preventive measures. These inspections help identify and address pest issues before they escalate, potentially saving you time, money, and the stress of dealing with a full-blown infestation.

When Pests Are Already There

If you do find that you have a pest infestation, a reputable company like HomeTeam Pest Defense can make removing unwanted guests an easy task. Before trying to tackle the job yourself, get expert advice from a company that’s among the best in the United States. Online resources exist to help you determine which pests you may have in your home and those to watch out for.

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