Mosquito Control Services

Imagine evenings outside without the constant buzz and bites. HomeTeam Pest Defense brings you cutting-edge and effective mosquito control, tailored to transform your outdoor space into a peaceful retreat.

Our advanced solutions tackle mosquitoes head-on, reducing their presence and the risk of mosquito-borne illnesses. Experience the outdoors like never before. Discover the difference with HomeTeam Pest Defense and make your yard a haven once more.

Wave mosquitoes goodbye. Get on the HomeTeam radar today.

Mosquitoes can be a pesky problem for much of the year in most places. Rainy conditions or the use of sprinkler systems can attract mosquitoes even while you’re simply looking to relax in your backyard.

No matter how you enjoy your yard, outdoor fun can turn foul quickly whenever mosquitoes are involved. HomeTeam Pest Defense can help. Get in touch today.

Get in touch today

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Let HomeTeam help!

As a part of our Mosquito Control Service, HomeTeam will:

  • Inspect


    HomeTeam will conduct a thorough inspection of your home’s perimeter to reveal potential mosquito living and breeding sites.

  • Identify


    Outdoor plants, bird baths, and any standing water are prime breeding sites for mosquito larvae, while damaged or town window or door screens can give adult mosquitoes access inside your home. HomeTeam will locate any areas of concern.

  • Treat


    Our two-pronged approach treats mosquito living and breeding sites. First, we apply fogging treatment to common resting sites––such as shrubs, tall grasses, and landscaped areas––to control the mosquito breeding population. We take utmost care throughout to avoid plants intended for consumption. Then, we target standing water with our growth regulator. This attacks mosquitoes in early stages of development––and gives you peace of mind.

  • Report


    Our service report details problem areas and includes a dedicated treatment plan with recommendations customized to your needs to help reduce mosquitoes on your property.

All Hands on Deck to L.I.M.I.T. Mosquitoes

While these best practices below don’t replace mosquito control, your actions can help keep these troublesome insects away. Use L.I.M.I.T. to reduce your mosquito exposure.

  • L


    Even the smallest amount of water held in a leaf or bottle cap can be enough for mosquitoes to breed. The water held in birdbaths, non-chlorinated pools, garbage can lids, pottery, pet bowls will all attract breeding mosquitoes.

  • I


    Check window and door screens for holes and repair or replace them as needed.

  • M


    Adult mosquitoes rest during the day, usually on the under sides of vegetation.

    Make your yard less hospitable to mosquitoes:

    • Mow lawn regularly
    • Avoid overwatering
    • Keep vegetation away from your home’s foundation
    • Clear away leaves, litter, and debris
  • I


    Mosquitoes are most active during the early morning and late evening.

    Isolate yourself from mosquitoes during their most active time of day by avoiding outdoor activity during dusk and dawn.

    If you must be outside during these hours, set up large outdoor fans to help blow mosquitoes away, if possible.

  • T


    Apply a DEET-based insect repellent according to the directions on the label and remember to re-apply as directed. Long-sleeved shirts and pants also help protect your skin.

Take the Sting out of Your Yard

Don’t let mosquitoes run your yard. Call HomeTeam Pest Defense and ask about our Mosquito Control Service in your local market.

In the meantime, here is some useful information:

We’re here to help.

Call us now at (877) 461-7378 or find your local branch. Let us know how we can best provide you with an exceptional service experience each time, every time.

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L.I.M.I.T Mosquitoes
Take HomeTeams tips to LIMIT mosquito
Mosquito Control

*Installation method is customized to construction types, and may vary.

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