Fire Ants Exterminator & Control

Pest Facts from HomeTeam

Image of a Fire Ant.

Fire ants are no fun! They are bothersome to your family and pets and can sting when their mounds are imposed upon. Usually fire ant stings will cause only a raised welt, but the stings can be more serious to a small percentage of people.

Fire ants are small, yellowish-red to black in color, aggressive, vicious and known for their painful burning sting. They prefer to live outdoors and are often found around sidewalks, next to homes and under trees and shrubs. Disturb a fire ant mound and they will swarm out by the hundreds to sting any person or animal perceived as a threat.

Fire ants are social creatures with defined responsibilities in their colonies. It is best to prevent your yard from becoming home to fire ants or to get rid of them once they become apparent. Call the number at the top of the page to contact a branch office near you.

Contact the branch office nearest you to find out how you can help control fire ants in your yard.


Image of a Fire Ant.

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