
Pest Facts from HomeTeam

Image of a common tick.

Ticks live off the blood of mammals, birds and sometimes amphibians. They have oval, flattened-shaped bodies, and can range from five millimeters when they have empty stomachs to 5/8 an inch when they are engorged with blood. They are typically brown with white to gray markings. They have eight legs and no antennae.

Ticks live in wooded areas and brushy fields.They have the ability to transmit diseases between the animals that they prey on, and these diseases can be harmful to humans. It is important to protect yourself in tick-infested areas. Make sure to wear long-sleeved shirts and pants outdoors and inspect clothing and skin when heading indoors. Also wash clothes immediately. Pet areas should be kept clean of debris to prevent ticks from breeding. Pets should also be treated with tick repellent as necessary.

For more information on how to remove a tick, please visit www.cdc.gov/ticks/removing_a_tick.html.


Image of a common tick.

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