Servant Heart
Servant Heart Good Works_4c_Web

At HomeTeam, we take care of heart and home.

Because a home without heart is just a house. And a home is more than just the four walls that keep us safe at night--it's our community, too. Our employees give back--it's our culture.

At HomeTeam, we
take care of heart
and home.

Servant Heart Good Works_4c_Web

Because a home without heart is just a house. And a home is more than just the four walls that keep us safe at night--it's our community, too. Our employees give back--it's our culture.

We're already so proud of our HomeTeamers who lead with service--by building birdhouses for retirement communities, by wrangling bicycles or toys to light up kids' faces at Christmas, by organizing luncheons for women's shelters, or sewing face masks to ship off to our military heroes overseas.

Together, we shape our communities into places where goodness prevails.


Together, we shape our communities into places where goodness prevails.



Lbs. Food Donated


Organizations Benefited


in Gift Cards Donated to Service Members


Care Packages Shipped

Servant Heart in Action

November 2020 collection from Phoenix West

Having a servant’s heart is part of HomeTeam’s culture, and we love giving back to the communities we service across the nation. Supporting veterans and active-duty military personnel is a key part of HomeTeam’s dedication to serving others. We partner with Support Our Troops to supply care packages to service members.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought many changes and challenges to businesses around the globe. HomeTeamers found new ways to give back, such as providing breakfast for frontline healthcare workers and partnering with USO Jacksonville to provide "drive-thru" meals to service members and their families. During the holidays, HomeTeamers stepped up to donate Christmas cheer to those in need across the country.

Charleston SOT display Nov 2020

To learn about Support Our Troops and ways to support their efforts, visit HomeTeam is also committed to hiring veterans. To learn more, visit our Hiring Homepage.

What is Taexx?

*Installation method is customized to construction types, and may vary.

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