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HomeTeam prides itself on customer service

      HomeTeam Pest Defense is your answer when it comes to controlling all kinds of pests inside and out.

      HomeTeam prides itself on customer service. As a matter of fact, our latest customer satisfaction scores resulted in 89% of our customers saying that they would be very likely or extremely likely to recommend us to their family, friends, and neighbors. Call a branch location today to find out how we provide an exceptional service experience each time, every time. Not sure which location to call? Enter your zip code above.

      HomeTeam prides itself on customer service with expert technicians

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      HomeTeam Pest Defense Service Vehicle Image

      Start protecting your home today. Enter your zip code to find the HomeTeam location servicing your area.

      Benefits of using HomeTeam as your

      Pest and Termite control service provider:

      Our technicians are knowledgeable, professional, uniformed and drive clean, well-maintained vehicles.
      We provide on-going training and perform background checks on all new employees.
      We periodically conduct drug screening on all employees.
      The service is convenient since you don’t have to be home after the first treatment.


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      Top Problem Pests


      Easy to identify by their wormlike bodies, slender antennae and pairs of legs on most of their body segments.

      Have your own problem pest?

      Browse our Pest FAQs or search now.

      Schedule Service Now

      Start protecting your home today. Enter your zip code to find the HomeTeam location servicing your area.


      Sign up for our e-newsletters for helpful tips, discounts, and promotions!

      What is Taexx?

      *Installation method is customized to construction types, and may vary.

      Visit the full HomeTeam Pest Defense Video Library»

      Schedule a Service

      Picture of a HomeTeam Pest Defense Service Vehicle

      Schedule an appointment today. Enter your zip code to find the HomeTeam location servicing your area.


      Would you like to call 844.372.7552?


      Would you like to call 844.372.7553?


      Would you like to call 844.372.7558?


      Would you like to call 520-462-9743?


      Would you like to call 844-574-1560?


      Would you like to call 844-372-7552?


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