Mythbusters: Pest Control Edition


mythbusters pest control edition 300x217 Mythbusters: Pest Control EditionThere are many pest control myths that HomeTeam Pest Defense would like to dispel. If you’re dealing with mosquitoes, bed bugs, mice or crane flies, read over these pest myths and the truth behind them before you try getting rid of them.

Myth: Bedbugs are caused by poor hygiene and poverty.

Fact: Bed bugs have been reported in all 50 states and in other developed countries. They have been found in all types of single-family homes, hotels and multi-family residences. Bed bugs don’t care how many stars a hotel has or what the family income is. They look to humans for their next blood meal.

Myth: Cheese is the best bait for rodent pest control.

Fact: While you can use cheese as bait in mousetraps, mice actually prefer fruit, seeds, bacon, peanut butter or even whole nuts. They like gumdrops, too! Moist foods in dry climates serve as the best bait.

Myth: Crane flies are Texas-size mosquitoes.

Fact:  Crane flies are not mosquitoes at all, and they do not feed on mosquitoes. Crane flies are lawn pests that come and go in the spring. They usually emerge in February and March. They don’t bite, but have been mistaken for large mosquitoes by the untrained eye.

Myth: You can tell how old a ladybug is by the number of spots on its shell.

Fact: Not true. The spots are actually determined by species. Once the ladybug becomes an adult, the number of spots does not change.

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