Destructive Pests: Types of Damage Pests Can Cause


Types of pest damage 300x300 Destructive Pests: Types of Damage Pests Can CauseWithout insects to clean up decomposing material, the world would be a pretty filthy place, but there is a variety of types of damage pests can cause that make you want them as far away from your home as possible. Here’s a look at a few different insects and the types of pest damage they cause.


Many homes are built primarily from wood, but even if the exterior of your home is constructed of brick, vinyl siding or stucco, termites can get to it. Termites only need the width of a credit card to get inside a home. Once inside, they may feed on cabinets, wooden furniture, hardwood floors, floor joists, ceiling beams, and anything else made of wood and cellulose. Termites are often not identified until significant damage has occurred. That means it’s imperative that you take action to prevent infestation before it starts.

Wood-boring Beetles

These pests live in wood for six to ten years without you ever knowing it. By the time they surface as flying beetles, the damage has been done. In the past, beetles such as the Old House Borer, can destroy entire homes with their burrowing habits. Thankfully, timber today is treated in such a way that beetles are rarely a problem in new homes and the damage is minimal.

Carpet Beetles

The types of pest damage done by carpet beetles are often blamed on clothes moths. If you have holes in your leather jacket, chair or couch cover, carpet, or other soft fabrics, you could have a carpet beetle infestation. Homes with wall-to-wall carpeting give these pests an undisturbed place to breed and thrive.

Clothes Moths

Flying clothes moths don’t eat fabric, but the females lay hundreds of eggs that hatch into hungry larvae. These pests feed on natural fibers such as wool, fur, and feathers, but synthetics can be part of their diet as well. Carpet, blankets, furniture upholstery, and dozens of other materials are at the mercy of the larvae that feast for one to three months. In extreme cases, the lifecycle has lasted up to four years!

If you suspect any of these infestations in your home, get professionals to help handle your pest problem and protect your home and family from the various types of damage pests can cause. Contact HomeTeam Pest Defense by calling 855-855-4873 today or visit our website to find out more about our pest management services.

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