Wicked Bugs: The Louse that Conquered Napoleons Army and other Diabolical Insects A Book by Amy Stewart Reviewed by HomeTeam Pest Defense


wickedbugs3d 300x286 Wicked Bugs: The Louse that Conquered Napoleons Army and other Diabolical Insects – A Book by Amy Stewart Reviewed by HomeTeam Pest DefenseHave you ever considered how much power our six- and eight-legged enemies have in the natural world? If you have ever experienced a bug infestation, you certainly have at least a small idea. At HomeTeam Pest Defense, we are fascinated by Amy Stewart’s bestselling book The Louse that Conquered Napoleon’s Army and other Diabolical Insects because of its comical look at the sinister side of the insect world.

Stewart, who had already finished a book titled Wicked Plants: The Weed that Killed Lincoln’s Mother and Other Botanical Atrocities, felt this was a natural follow-up that she was intrigued to research and write.

The introduction to Wicked Bugs begins with a warning: “We are Seriously Outnumbered.” This intriguing opening sets the stage for the terrifying and stimulating experience of reading this book.

In Wicked Bugs, Stewart uncovers information about 100 of humankind’s most dreaded insects, from the stinging hornet and disease-ridden fly to the Japanese beetle and traffic-stopping millipede. The book is an A – Z anthology of our worst insect nightmares intermingled with titillating sections on insects that thrive in the garden and lurk in your cupboard.  Stewart even delves into insect love life and why some people suffer from phobias and (often) irrational fears of bugs.

Accompanying the petrifying stories told by Stewart about wicked bugs are beautiful drawings and artwork by Briony Morrow-Cribbs, whose interpretation of Stewart’s words complete the unique experience of reading this book.

Reviewers of Wicked Bugs have nothing but great things to say about it. The Seattle Times raves: “Wicked Bugs is a fascinatingly dark look at the world of wonders that buzzes, burrows and reproduces all around us…Stewart’s research is prodigious and her writing precise, whether she’s telling the tale of a caterpillar that looks like a tiny Persian cat or more about fleas than you ever wanted to know. Read this book and you’ll always keep your gardening gloves on…Stewart concentrates on scarily diabolical bugs, to great effect.”

The New York Times adds: “Enlightening…a cheerful sequel to her 2009 bestseller [Wicked Plants]. Ms. Stewart, who grows poison plants in her garden in Eureka, Calif., likes the dark side.”

For more intriguing information about the pests lurking in your backyard, and much-needed pest control services, contact HomeTeam Pest Defense today.

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