The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and you may be looking forward to a cooler change of season. Unfortunately, there is still plenty of time for pests. Wasps tend to become more active and bothersome in late summer and early fall. Read on to find out why, and to learn about the best pest prevention tips to combat them.
As the days get shorter, it reminds wasps they need to collect food for their nests and queen in preparation for winter. While summer offers a plentiful variety of food, autumn brings more competition to obtain fewer food sources. Wasps more heavily patrol the outdoors, including your yard, looking for a quick energy boost, found in proteins and sugary foods like ice cream, soda, and meat.
Leaving food outside is an invitation for wasps to stop by for a snack. They have the ability to imprint food sources, which means they will continue to search an area where food has been found, even long after it is gone, making wasp elimination even more difficult. Wasps are also attracted to flowers and plants that contains nectar, a sugary substance. Wearing bright colors and sweet perfumes mimics this for wasps, making you seem like a big flowery food source.
Find out more on wasp prevention tips from the National Pest Management Association.
Wasps do not intentionally sting humans, but they will attack if they, or their nests, are threatened. A wasp sting can be painful, so here are a few tips to help you avoid getting stung:
Typically, a wasp sting only causes mild pain and discomfort, however some people can be allergic to wasp venom. If you are stung and start to have a reaction, seek immediate medical attention.
There are 47 of types of wasps but three are most common – yellow jackets, paper wasps, and mud daubers.
Surprisingly, wasps can be very beneficial. While most may think these insects are just stinging pests, it turns out they are vital to our Earth’s ecosystems. Wasps are pollinating rockstars – not only do they pollinate plants themselves, but paper wasp and yellow jacket nests also provide a home for beneficial hoverflies, aka a gardener’s best friend. Wasps also aid in maintaining other insect populations because they feed on nuisance bugs that damage crops, such as caterpillars and leaf beetles. Farmers utilize these useful predators in agriculture to control plant pests.
Watch our short video on wasp pest control and help for homeowners from one of our leading entomologists.
Okay, so you’ve found a wasp nest – now what? Not to panic! We’ve got you covered on wasp nest removal.
Wasp nests should be removed as soon as possible after they are identified and before they grow too large. Burning, hitting, or trying to flood a nest with water are all dangerous and almost always unsuccessful ways get rid of it.
Removing wasp nests yourself can be dangerous and could cost you physically and financially. The safest and best way to deal with wasps is to call a pest professional, and we are always here to help! Contact us at or call (877) 461-7378 to get rid of your wasp worries.
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