Top 10 Bug Books For Children


the very hungry caterpillar 01 300x225 Top 10 Bug Books For Children

Bug Books For Children

School is back in full swing, and children are back to school projects, spelling test, and book reports. Kids can dread these assignments, but if they have a great children’s book to work with they can enjoy learning and reading.  If your kids are bug lovers, this list of the top 10 bug books should help keep your child entertained and educated while reading.  The list ranges from various reading levels, and offers great ideas for all the little ones in your household.

  1. The Very Hungry Caterpillar – by Eric Carle – An award winning picture book, and excellent choice for younger children. This classic children’s story follows a caterpillar as it eats its way through a wide variety of foods before pupating and emerging as a butterfly, teaching your children about the natural transformation of nature.
  2. From Caterpillar to Butterfly – by Deborah Heiligman – Similar to the Very Hungry Caterpillar, this book follows the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. However, Heiligman’s version stands out by being set inside a classroom, allowing your children to relate closely to the story as they learn about the insect’s metamorphosis.
  3. Roly Poly Napoleon Discovers Colors – by Robin Christianson – If a child loves roly poly bugs, they will love interacting and learning with outstanding children’s book. The story follows Roly Poly Napoleon and his father as they set out to discover the color blue, providing children excitement along the way learning colors and finding Napoleon hidden on several pages.
  4. Hey, Little Any – by Phillip M. Hoose – A story originated from a song, this funny and thought provoking bug book tells the story of a conversation between a child and an ant as the ant pleads to be spared from being squished. The tale is entertaining, and bound to raise discussion with your children.
  5. The Very Busy Spider – by Eric Carle – Another classic picture book by Eric Carle, this story describes the day of a spider. With touchable elements like the embossed web on the pages, to the memorable illustrations.
  6. Charlie the Caterpillar – by Dom Deluise – The story of true friendship is told in this story as Charlie the Caterpillar meets new animals and tries to make friends. Charlie is turned away from the group until he returns as a beautiful butterfly. The story is heartwarming and teaches the lesson of friendship and appearances to children.
  7. I Like Bugs – by Margaret Wise Brown – This picture book incorporates rhyming text and familiar images to help your children learn new words, colors, and various insects. As part of a series, this story can be the first step in a journey of learning and growing.
  8. My, Oh My – A Butterfly!: All About Butterflies – by Tish Rabe – This is the story of the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly, but also teaches children about a butterfly’s biology and habits in nature. Children will enjoy learning with the help of the familiar Dr. Seuss character, the Cat in the Hat.
  9. Charlotte’s Web – by E.B. White – This children’s novel is a true classic piece of literature of a bashful pig named Wilbur, and a spider named Charlotte. Charlotte and Wilbur tell the story of true friendship in the journey to save Wilbur.
  10. Ten Little Ladybugs – by Melanie Gerth – The colorful images of this picture book are sure to delight your child as he/she feel their way through the story looking for ten tactile ladybugs as they disappear. The experience is fun and education and will provide a great reading experience for your children.

Any of these great bug books for children are sure to inspire your kids to read more and have fun while they are learning.  So grab a few of these recommendations and open your children’s minds and imaginations to the world of bugs and entomology.  Just remember to always teach them to keep those bugs out of the house.

HomeTeam Pest Defense is serious about what bugs you!  If you have an issue, contact us at 855-855-4873, or visit our website for additional information about our pest management services.  Please join us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn for additional tips.

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