Termites and ants are among the top pests homeowners worry about, and entomologists from HomeTeam Pest Defense are already beginning to see them swarming and "marching" into homes this spring. According to HomeTeam’s research, 35% of homeowners have experienced a termite problem at some point and 84% percent have experienced a problem with ants. Both subterranean termites and winged ants have wings and are capable of limited flight. In fact, you can tell them apart by their wings. Wings of termites are equal in size, and ants’ wings are larger in front, smaller in back. Additionally, termites have straight bead-like antennae while ants have elbowed antennae. Termites have a broad waist while an ant’s waist is constricted.
If your home is being invaded by ants, you have several treatment options to choose from, which vary depending on what type of ant that has infested your home. After identifying the correct species, a systematic approach should be used to ensure extermination. Application of residual pest control materials, baits, sprays, and dusts are suggested in order to eliminate the nuisance.
If you suspect that you have a termite infestation in your home, it’s especially important to call a pest control professional. Subterranean termites can cause damage to your home, especially if they are not discovered and treated quickly. Here are four common signs of termites:
If you see any of these, or any other, signs of termites, you should call a professional pest control company right away. They will be able to provide a termite inspection and give you clear choices as to what you need to do to ensure that your home stays termite free. For more information on termite infestations and treatment, contact HomeTeam Pest Defense.
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