Pet Care Steps with Pest Control


pet friendly pest control 300x156 Pet Care Steps with Pest ControlNo matter what kind of pests you want to be rid of, protecting your pet during the pest control treatment of your home is imperative to prevent harming your furry, feathered or scaly friend. All pest control operators should consider the welfare of your pets when they arrive to perform pest management services. Fortunately for you, at HomeTeam, we care about your pets’ well-being and will perform a pest control service with them in mind. The following overview should put your mind at ease about conducting pest control service when pets are present.

  1. Inform your pest control technician that you have pets, how many and what kind. Share with the technician where your pets spend most of their time and where they eat.
  2. Birds and fish are more sensitive to pest control materials than our furry friends, so extra precautions will be taken with regards to them.
  3. If the pest control service is to occur only on the outside the home, be sure to keep your pets indoors.
  4. If the pest control service includes interior treatment, it’s advised that you remove your bird from the home for a few hours. Fish tanks should be covered and the pump turned off until chemicals dry. The technician will most likely not treat in the nearby vicinity. The technician may even consider using baits or traps instead of a liquid spray.
  5. Keep all pets away from treated surfaces (inside or out) until the areas have completely dried. Surfaces typically dry within two hours, depending on weather conditions.

With your help, we can be sure to apply pest control materials in small, localized areas where it will be most effective for pests and not harmful to your pets. If fleas are the bothersome insect being dealt with, your pet will need to be treated the same day as your home. Your veterinarian can recommend the best product for your situation.

If you need a pest exterminator, please contact HomeTeam Pest Defense by calling 855-855-4873, or visit our website to find out more about our pest management services.

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