How to Protect Yourself from Bed Bugs when you Travel


Bed Bug pictures 023 300x225 How to Protect Yourself from Bed Bugs when You Travel

Bed bugs have made a comeback in recent years because of an increase in travel and the insect’s resistance to pesticides.  The first way to protect yourself from bed bugs while on a trip is to recognize what they look like.  Bed bugs are small, flat insects that grow to the size of an apple seed.  The adults are reddish-brown in color while younger bed bugs are lighter in color, similar to that of a sesame seed.

Next, you must know what a bed bug’s food source is.  They only crave one kind of food, and that’s blood.  This is not a pleasant thought, but unlike mosquitoes and other insects, bed bugs don’t transmit any diseases.  However, the reaction that most people have to a bed bug bite is quite similar to that of a mosquito bite.  Itchy, red bumps are usually the result from the bite of a bed bug. Many times bites will appear in a row.

To make sure you prevent a bed bug infestation in your own home after your travels, heed this advice:

  • Inspect mattresses during your travels.  Start at the head of the bed and work your way down, focusing on the seams and tufts of the mattress.  Look for bed bugs themselves and other signs that they have been there, like small, rust-colored blood stains.
  • Hang your clothes and use luggage racks.  Keeping your luggage off the floor and bed will help prevent any passengers from hitching a ride in your suitcase.
  • Launder all your clothing when you arrive home from your trip.  Dry them at a medium temperature or over 125 degrees.

Bed bugs can be found just about anywhere, even in the nicest resorts and well-cleaned homes, though that doesn’t make them any more pleasant. They also can be found on couches, seat cushions, and in dressers.

If you are afraid you have a bed bug infestation in your home, contact HomeTeam Pest Defense.  You can learn more useful tips about preventing insect infestation by visiting HomeTeam Pest Defense’s YouTube channel.

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