According to our annual homeowner survey, scorpions are considered one of the scariest pests because they can sting.
Most scorpions in the U.S. are found in the Southwest regions. They come in many sizes and colors, but are usually pale gold or tan and do not grow larger than a few inches long. They are commonly found in newer homes, especially ones built on the outskirts of metropolitan areas. Vegetation around these homes is typically less developed than established neighborhoods. Also, scorpion’s habitats are often disturbed during new construction, so their search for new shelter can drive them into your home.
There are 90 species of scorpions in the United States but only one, the Arizona bark scorpion, has venom deadly enough to kill a human. This species is usually yellow-brown and less than three inches long. Even though most scorpion stings are not deadly, their sting is still very painful, so it is best to avoid them.
If you encounter a scorpion, you should proceed with caution. You can try to remove the pest yourself by scooping the scorpion into an empty container and discarding it, but be sure to wear protective clothing such as gloves and long sleeves. If you would prefer not to approach it, you can call a pest control professional for help.
To help avoid encounters with scorpions in and around your home follow these prevention tips:
If you have a pest concern, visit for information. You can also call HomeTeam Pest Defense at (877) 461-7378 to schedule an appointment today!
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