National Pest Management Month Reminds You to Pest Proof For Spring


April is National Pest Management Month because this is the time of year when pests start to become the most active. An observance for nearly 40 years, National Pest Management Month is a great time to pest proof your home.

If you happen to be building a new home this year, you should consider Taexx, a built-in pest control system. Taexx is a system of tiny tubes fitted within the walls of your home, striking pests where they live, hide and breed. A hot trend in new home construction, Taexx is proven to be effective while minimizing exposure of pest control materials to family and pets. It has the added benefits of convenient service from a port on an outside wall, and pest control materials last longer because they are not exposed to sunlight or weather.

Here are our top pest proofing tips for all homeowners:

  • Seal any cracks, crevices, or potential entry points for pests.
  • Eliminate sources of water in and around your home such as leaking faucets, standing water, or broken sprinkler heads.
  • Remove wood debris and keep firewood at least 20 feet from your home.
  • Remove excess mulch from around your foundation, and maintain a four inch vertical gap between the soil and wood portions of your home.
  • Identify and eliminate food sources from inside your home, including pet food.
  • Seal garbage cans outside the home.
  • Mow on a regular basis and clear any leaves, litter, and debris.
  • Inspect your home on a regular basis for signs of a pest problem.

Protect your home with Taexx built-in pest control

For a consultation with a HomeTeam specialist, or for help with pest proofing or a pest problem, contact us at (877) 461-7378 or visit

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What is Taexx?

*Installation method is customized to construction types, and may vary.

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