Mosquito Control Stepping Up Across the Country


There are two cases of Zika virus now being investigated in Florida, as officials they believe the disease was contracted in Florida, and not from traveling abroad. Florida’s Health Department is working with the CDC to rule out any other possibilities as to how it was contracted. They are also trapping mosquitoes to test them with no positive tests coming back yet. Public Works departments nationwide are increasing ground treatment (spraying) to help control adult mosquitoes.

Although the Obama administration has asked Congress for $1.9 billion to fund the fight against Zika, it has been to no avail and Congress has adjourned until after Labor Day. That means we still have the peak of mosquito season to fight through this summer. Knowing about mosquito behavior and their preferences is critical. Mosquito control services performed by a pest management professional at your home is also recommended to help control mosquito breeding grounds.

Time magazine recently consulted experts to determine why some of us will get swarmed and some won’t:

  1. Sweat: A byproduct of sweat actually helps attract mosquitoes.
  2. Type O blood: Turns out type O is these critters’ favorite drink.
  3. Beer: A few drinks may actually make you a beacon. Experts just aren’t sure why.
  4. DNA: Take all the precautions you can, but some people are just hardwired to attract mosquitoes.

It’s a good time to revisit how to LIMIT mosquito exposure, since you can’t really control your blood type!

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