Ladybugs Offer Luck and More Tangible Benefits, Too


Lady Bug 300x261 Ladybugs Offer ‘Luck’ and More Tangible Benefits, Too

Lady Bug

Ladybugs = Good luck!  Ever wonder why?  During the period known as the Middle Ages, insects were destroying crops so farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary for help.  Not long after, the red-orange, black-spotted wing beetle appeared, ate the pests and saved the crops.  The farmer’s began calling them “The Beetles of our Lady,” and eventually these insects became known as “Lady Beetles” and ultimately “Ladybugs.”

There are about 500 species of ladybugs in the United States, and their colors can range from red, orange, pink, gray, brown and even black. They do not have a permanent home so they reside in fields, gardens and trees.   A ladybug’s main source of food is a typical garden aphid, but they have been known to eat soft-bodied insects and small mites.  Since their favorite meal is aphids, some farmers use them as a means of pest control.  Ladybugs are not poisonous to humans, but have toxic effects on some animals.  Some of their predators include insect-eating birds, dragonflies, wasps, ants and frogs.

When the weather turns cold ladybugs may attempt to take residence in your home.  They like warm, cozy spots inside walls and attics.  To prevent them from entering your home, seal up cracks, holes or entry spots on the outside of the home.  Install mesh screen over vents and exhaust outlets, and make sure the screens on windows and doors are in good repair.

Ladybugs are a “pest” that is more beneficial alive.  And who would harm a cute, little ladybug?!

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