Texas Office of Emergency Management:
It is very important to always check your county’s Emergency Management website for updates, evacuation routes, and other resources. Go to: this site informs you of several resources, such as the FEMA Emergency Lodging Assistance Program, and a list of Texas Hotels and Lodging.

FEMA Disaster Assistance: 1 (800) 621-3362
Registering online at is the quickest way to register for FEMA assistance since the full scope of damages may not be evident until the storm is over. If you are unable to access the internet, you can also call at 1-800-621-3362. People have 60 days to apply for assistance. For complete detailed information and a list of resources you can go to:
When calling you have the option to complete an application over the phone, register online at or by downloading the FEMA mobile app at

FEMA – National Flood Insurance Program:
After experiencing a flood, it is important to contact your agent or insurance company. The National Flood Insurance Program information will help you file your claim. To find out the steps to follow when filing a claim go to: This section explains the claims process and steps to follow as you file and work with your adjuster and agent. The more you know, the smoother the process will go.

Red Cross Disaster Assistance Hotline: 1 (866) 526-8300 and choose option 3.
To see a list of information online specific to your needs, go to: You can also download one of their mobile apps at:
For a list of shelters go to:
To find family & friends or to register yourself as safe, visit the @americanredcross Safe & Well site:
Those interested in volunteering can register at

Houston Department of Health and Human Services – (713) 526-8300

United Way Helpline: – Dial 2-1-1 or (713) 957-4357 or for online information on shelters and other forms of assistance go to

Texas Health & Human Services – Dial 2-1-1 and press Option 5 or you can go to the website at for information on the following:
• Shelter Locations
• Donation Information
• Food and Water
• Disaster Services for Animals
• Federal Disaster Assistance
• Damage Reporting
• Volunteer Opportunities
• Are looking for counseling for mental health or storm-related stress

State Aid & Assistance Programs: You will find multiple resources listed on their website at: and select your Texas location:
1. Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley
2. Catholic Charities Diocese of Lubbock
3. Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio
4. Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston
5. Catholic Social Services Diocese of Laredo
6. Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle
7. Catholic Charities East Texas
8. Catholic Charities Community Services of Odessa
9. Catholic Charities of Central Texas
10. Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi
11. Catholic Charities of Fort Worth
12. Catholic Charities of Dallas
13. Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas

Housing for displaced thru Airbnb – During and directly after a disaster, temporary housing for those who are displaced and for relief workers can be hard to find. Airbnb activates its community to support local and national efforts in addressing this need. Additional details about this can be found at the following website link:

Texas Dept of Insurance: Consumer’s hotline 1 (800) 252-3439 where you can file a personal claim.

Texas Tribune: You can find several resources at

Emotional Distress Hotline: Talk to a professional about emotional distress by calling the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 or texting “TalkWithUs” to 66746

Harris County (locating towed vehicles) (713) 308-8580

Austin Disaster Relief Network: Activated a call center to provide both resources and information to families impacted by the storm. You can reach that hotline at (512) 806-0800.

Lost Dogs of Texas: They are maintaining several active Facebook pages documenting pets they’ve found amid the storm.

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