Don’t Get Burned: Tips to Prevent Fire Ants


Red Imported Fire Ant 225x300 Don’t Get Burned: Tips to Prevent Fire AntsPeople seek tips to prevent fire ants because they are common in many regions throughout the United States.  The red imported fire ant was introduced to the United States in the 1930’s.  This ant becomes most active in the spring and fall, usually after a rain and when temperatures are above 75 degrees.  To prevent fire ant infestation, you should learn about the behavior of these ants and what they look like before delving into tips to prevent fire ants.

Like any other ant, red imported fire ants have a hard exoskeleton and six legs. They range in size from small to large and are generally reddish brown to black.  Fire ants have a stinger on their abdomen, which is how they defend themselves. It’s also how they sting humans, leaving behind swollen welts and burning pustules.

This discomfort alone is reason enough to seek tips to prevent fire ants, but some people are also allergic to fire ant stings. If you are stung by a fire ant, over-the-counter anti-itch cream or pain medicine may be sufficient to ease the discomfort.  If you experience any symptoms of an allergic reaction—headache, nausea, dizziness or difficulty breathing—you should seek professional medical intervention immediately.

The best way to prevent fire ant infestation is to seek professional pest control for the home. The methods delivered by a professional pest control expert are effective and long-lasting all around your property.  Fire ants are highly aggressive and will defend themselves if their mounds are disturbed, so be careful and do not harass any fire ant mounds.  Avoid a sting by leaving the job to experienced pest management services.

For more tips to prevent fire ants, visit our website,, or call one of our professionals at 855-855-4873. We also invite you to join us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn for additional tips regarding pest management services.

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