Cricket 300x202 Crickets


Oh that unmistakable sound of a cricket serenading you outside in the yard. Just as you are lying awake at 2am trying to figure out  where in your closet he is hiding, the song gets old!

In ancient Asia, crickets were considered a sign of good luck and respect.  They were kept as pets in golden cages and revered for their beautiful melodies.

Today, they can be more of a source of nuisance than enjoyment but they are interesting insects.  Their ears are located on the knees of their front legs and they can see different directions at the same time.  That chirping sound is a mating call, and for the record, female crickets do not chirp!  Usually black, brown or tan in color, crickets are attracted to bright lights and have been known to fly to homes or buildings by the dozens seeking food and shelter.  They are most active at night and feed on just about anything, including: dead insects, seeds, leather, paper products, wool and silk. Most crickets have a life span of less than a year.

Crickets gain access to your home via exterior cracks or holes. The best defense against infestation is to seal all openings, including areas around plumbing, air-conditioning and utility lines.  Remove heavy ground cover in landscaping within 10 feet of your home to discourage nests.  Move stacks of firewood, lumber or bricks away to keep them from hiding and flying through open doors.

One or two in your home usually is no reason for concern, but if you find more, you may want to contact a pest professional.

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