The Top 5 Pests and How to Prevent Them


Common household pests can be tough to get rid of once you have an infestation. Because of this, employing basic pest prevention methods to combat them is especially important. But, which pests should you prepare for?

Our 2022 survey revealed the top pests bugging homeowners: ants, mosquitoes, spiders, rodents, and wasps. If any of these intruders invade your home, it could cost you a significant amount of time and money to deal with the issue. Follow these basic prevention methods to help keep your home protected:

  • Remove standing water. Mosquitoes need only a little bit of standing water to breed, so eliminating it around your yard can help reduce their population on your property. Remember to change bird bath water regularly and empty out baby pools and other water features. You can also have your home professionally treated for mosquitoes, and we’re happy to help with our Mosquito Control Service.
  • Pick up outdoor food. If you have pet food dishes outside, make sure to pick them up when your pet is finished eating. Don’t leave any food or food containers lying around, as wasps have the ability to imprint food sources, which means they will continue to search an area where food has been found long after it’s home pest control
  • Clean up crumbs and spills. One of the easiest household chores can protect you from ants and rodents: wipe counters frequently and clean up any leftover crumbs or liquids. Quarterly pest control service around your home’s perimeter also helps with this.
  • Dust, dust, dust. Dusting your home every week or two helps discourage spiders from finding nooks and crannies to spin their webs. Dust away existing cobwebs to keep those creepy crawlies from coming back.
  • Take out the trash. It may seem like a no brainer, but making sure that trash is taken out often and garbage bags are tightly sealed can make a big difference. This simple task can make your home less attractive to ants, rodents, and wasps.

You’ll find that many home pest control techniques also double as fundamental tasks that should be taken care of to maintain the cleanliness of your home. Tackling them regularly will not only leave you with a more polished area, but help keep you from attracting common pests.

If you have a pest problem and need a trustworthy pest control company, we can help. Request a quote or call 855-855-4873 and one of our pest control professionals will work with you to address your needs.

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*Installation method is customized to construction types, and may vary.

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