Believe it or not, rodents occur almost everywhere outside. Many times we don’t notice them because they stay outside when food is plentiful. However, in the fall, a major source of food, plants and seeds become less available so rodents have to seek food elsewhere. Sometimes, that’s in your house or garage or attic!

Gray or dark in color, mice are usually less than two inches in length and weigh about an ounce. Mice are versatile and can fit in very small places, gaining access around cable lines, holes and even vents.


Rats are much bigger, normally gray or brown in color, and are 10 to 12 inches in length. All rodents are excellent climbers and only need a very small external opening to get inside homes and other buildings. Your garage is easily accessible through the small space between the garage door and the floor.

HomeTeam will be happy to help you rid your home, garage or attic from rats or mice. Please search for a branch near you or call us at the number above.

Contact the branch office nearest you to find out how you can help control rodents in your home.

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*Installation method is customized to construction types, and may vary.

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