HomeTeam Pest Defense Acquires Advanced Pest Control


Dallas, TX – July 2, 2007 – HomeTeam Pest Defense has acquired the assets of Advanced Pest Control. Located in Jefferson County, West Virginia, the acquisition provides an opportunity to extend HomeTeam’s reach in the Washington Metropolitan Area.

“We saw an opportunity with Advanced Pest because of its size, location and ability to fit with our growing organization. The area in and around Washington D.C. continues to grow in population and it simply made sense to increase our presence,” says Bob Wanzer, President and Chief Executive Officer of HomeTeam Pest Defense.

With Advanced Pest and the recent acquisitions of both ProTech Termite and Pest Control based in Silver Spring, Maryland and Pest Proof in Clarksville, Maryland, HomeTeam Pest Defense has solidified its presence in the areas surrounding Washington D.C. including Virginia, West Virginia, and Central Maryland.

HomeTeam Pest Defense has made other acquisitions in the past six months including one each in St. Louis, Missouri; Las Vegas, Nevada; Melbourne, Florida; and Tucson, Arizona.

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*Installation method is customized to construction types, and may vary.

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